Getting the Guest Bedroom ready

We are expecting guests end of next week and our current state of the guest room isn't very welcoming. So its about time that I get the guest bedroom ready.
Here is my inspiration photo for the colour scheme. It is going to be yellow and blue with pop of black.

Western Springs Living Room eclectic living room
Designed by Debbie Basnett 
Here is a list of things that needs to be done to get the room into shape.
  • De-clutter the room. Its a mess at the moment as its acting as a dumping ground
  • Organise and arrange the open closet
  • Stitch the curtains
  • Work on accessorizing the room
  • Hand some wall art
  • Clear the balcony
  • Buy two pillows 
  • Bring in some greens/fresh flowers into the room
I should better get started now.


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